Stuck at Home: Best One-Location Films

For all of us stuck at home, eating and napping all day, we might look towards one-location entertainment to help us feel like what's going on is (to some extent) normal! It's not normal, of course, but join me in desperately trying to relate to some kind of film that captures the state of our world.

REAR WINDOW, dir. Alfred Hitchcock

This 1954 classic chronicles a man's investigation into murder, all from the window of his apartment. A real thriller, with suspense to spare, you may also feel comforted in knowing the great James Stewart once looked out his window for weeks at a time. Stream on Starz, or rent on Amazon Video for $3.99.

PANIC ROOM, dir. David Fincher

Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart star in this 2002 thriller from auteur filmmaker David Fincher. It's a smart cat-and-mouse game with high stakes and a great payoff. We follow Foster and Stewart fend off burglars from their new home, all from a secret panic room hidden in the house. I wish I had a panic room right now. Stream on Vudu, or rent on Amazon Video for $3.99.

PONTYPOOL, dir. Bruce McDonald

Legitimately scary, this underseen Canadian gem from 2008 is a must-see for horror fans. It also feels eerily similar to modern times. Seek this one out wherever you can find it. It's worth it. Rent on iTunes for $3.99.

FUNNY GAMES, dir. Michael Haneke

It's hard to keep scary films off the list. One-location films are scary because we hate being trapped in one place. Scary doesn't even come close to describing the horror of Michael Haneke's 1997 Funny Games, but these are horrific times we live in. Stream on the Criterion Channel or Kanopy.

10 CLOVERFIELD LANE, dir. Dan Trachtenberg

If you haven't seen this one for a while, it's about time to revisit it. Who would've thought 10 Cloverfield Lane would feel so relevant in 2020? But here we all are, self-isolating, wondering if the world will devolve into chaos. Rent on Amazon Video for $2.99.


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